Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children’s homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the privacy of the children in these stories, we use artistic depictions rather than real photos.

Learning the Basics: Janelle’s Story


Janelle was 13 when she came to live with us. She was quiet, observant, and eager to help—but there were moments that reminded us just how much of the everyday she had missed.

One evening, after dinner, I asked Janelle if she wanted to help me wash the dishes. She nodded quickly and got started while I wiped down the table and packed leftovers. But when I turned around, I saw her gently scrubbing the same plate she had just used for dinner… with cold water, no soap, and barely touching the sponge.

I smiled gently. “Want me to show you how I usually do it?”

She looked a little embarrassed but said, “I just picked the one that wasn’t that moldy.”

Her voice was matter-of-fact. No sarcasm. No drama. Just what she knew.

It broke my heart a little, but I didn’t let it show. Instead, I walked her through rinsing with warm water, using soap, and how to tell if something was really clean.

We stood side-by-side at the sink, talking and laughing about silly things. And after that night, doing the dishes became our thing.

She didn’t need a lecture. She just needed someone to show her.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the small, teachable moments that hold such deep meaning. We pray for children like Janelle, who are still learning what it feels like to be cared for, taught, and guided with love. Lord, we ask You to raise up new houseparents—those willing to patiently walk beside these children, showing them what family is all about. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.