31 Days of Prayer for House Parents

The Power of Story Time: How Reading Created Connection
Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
My Life From Here: A Child’s Perspective
**Editor’s Note:** For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
A Mother’s Love: Nurturing Through the Struggle
**Editor’s Note:** For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
Finding Worth: Demetrius’ Story
**Editor’s Note:** For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
Coaching the Uncoachable: A Season of Transformation
Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
A Houseparent Story: David’s Journey
Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
Stories from a Foster Mom: Susie’s Journey
Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
A Lesson from Andy: The true Mission of a house parent
**Editor’s Note:** For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children's homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the...
Thirty-One Days of Prayer for House Parents
Embark on a transformative journey of hope and support for our children's home. Your prayers can make a difference! For over two years, our boys' and girls' homes have remained empty—waiting for God to move. These homes were created to be places of stability,...