Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children’s homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the privacy of the children in these stories, we use artistic depictions rather than real photos.

Reaching the Goal: Samantha’s Story

Samantha came to Potter as a high school sophomore. Life had already thrown her more challenges than most people face in a lifetime, but she remained determined to succeed.

With a strong-willed personality and a drive for independence, she pushed herself academically, athletically, and in ROTC. By her junior year, she had made a life-changing decision: she wanted to enlist in the armed forces.

After careful research, Samantha set her sights on becoming a firefighter in the Air Force. She was sworn in during her senior year, with her enlistment date set for the following summer.

She did exactly what she set out to do.

After completing basic training and firefighter school, Samantha earned the rank of Airman First Class (E-3) and is now stationed at Tyndall Air Force Base.

Looking back on her time at Potter, she reflected:

“I was very hesitant to come to Potter. I had no intention of letting anyone get close to me—I was definitely stand-offish. But by the time I left, I had gained a family, become a Christian, and set a new direction for my life.”

She added, “It’s the little things that make a difference. For me, it was the patience you all had with me.”

One verse, in particular, has guided her both in faith and in her work as a firefighter:

“When you pass through the waters, I am with you; when you pass through the streams, they will not overtake you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not harm you.” — Isaiah 43:2

Samantha’s story is one of resilience, determination, and faith. Those who know her have been deeply blessed by her strength, openness, and the way she has touched their lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for children like Samantha—strong, determined, and capable of incredible things. We pray for all the young people still searching for stability and direction, that they may find guidance, love, and encouragement in the homes You provide for them. Lord, we ask that You bring new houseparents to fill the empty homes in children’s ministries across the country—parents who will show patience, invest in lives, and help shape futures. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.