Editor’s Note: For privacy reasons, names and certain details have been changed. These stories are shared by former houseparents who have served at various children’s homes to offer insight, encouragement, and prayer for those considering this role. To respect the privacy of the children in these stories, we use artistic depictions rather than real photos.
When Love Isn’t Enough: A Story of Planting Seeds
written by Geneva Brewer, former house parent
She arrived with two big suitcases—more than most children bring when they come into care. But it didn’t take long to realize that her baggage was more than just physical.
She was angry. Not just frustrated or sad—deeply, intensely angry. And she made sure everyone around her knew it.
As we went through her belongings to see what she needed, something became clear. The brand-new designer clothes, all the same styles in different sizes, weren’t just unusual—they had been stolen.
Her mother had shoplifted in preparation for her placement.
When we gently pointed it out, the child was embarrassed but quick to excuse her mother’s actions. We bought her new clothes, hoping to show her that she was worthy of love and care—without conditions.
But no matter what kindness was shown, her anger never wavered.
After Christmas, her mother returned all the new clothes she had received as gifts, replacing them with thrift store items before sending her back. Once again, we replaced what had been taken from her.
But in the end, her anger won.
She was not ready to accept love, structure, or healing, and her mother took her home.
Some stories don’t have the happy ending we hope for. Some children leave without ever embracing the stability and love we so desperately want them to feel.
But we still believe.
We believe that seeds were planted—that one day, something we said, something we did, some moment of grace we extended, will take root.
Because we don’t just care for children for today. We care for them with eternity in mind.
Heavenly Father, we lift up the children who struggle to receive love, who are hurting too deeply to heal right now. We pray that the seeds planted in their time with us will one day grow into something beautiful. Lord, we ask that You bring new houseparents to fill the empty homes in children’s ministries across the country—parents who will love even when it’s hard, who will invest even without seeing the results, who will trust that You are always working. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.